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Travis Research Institute

Lisseth Rojas-Flores lab group
Lisseth Rojas-Flores lab group

Adversity, Trauma, and Resilience

Lisseth Rojas-Flores, PhD


Psychology Building 336
Fuller Theological Seminary
180 N. Oakland Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91101-1714


[email protected]





Integral Missiology and the Human Flourishing of Internally Displaced Persons In Colombia



Parental Detention and Deportation and the Adjustment of Latino Citizen Children



The Latino Church in the US: Dealing with the Aftermath of Immigration Enforcement

Recent Presentations

Rojas-Flores, L. (Mar, 2019). Chair and Presenter, for Symposium entitled Children of Immigrants’ Health: Mobilizing Research, Policy and Practice in a Time of Crisis. 2019 SRCD Biennial Meeting in Baltimore, MD. Gabriela Livas Stein, Discussant.

Rojas-Flores, L. London, J., Ramirez, N, Hwang Koo, J, Salvatierra, A. (Aug 2018). Immigration Policies and the Well-Being of Young Latinos—A Multidisciplinary Approach. Symposium chair, presenter, and discussant at the Div. 27 Community Research in Action Featured Division Session at the Annual American Psychological Association Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Rojas-Flores, L. (Nov. 2017). Trauma and Psychological Distress among Latino Children in a Time of Heightened Immigration Enforcement. Paper presented at the Issue Intensive Symposium entitled: Supporting Immigrant, Undocumented, and Refugee Families: Fear, Anxiety, and Hope. Zero to Three Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.

Cuervo, I., Flores-Rojas, L., Pineda, A.M., Le Roux, E., and Cadavid, L. (Sept, 2017). Faith and Responses to Sexual Violence in Displacement: Understanding the Colombian faith leaders. Paper presented at the at the 5th international conference by the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) Forum 2017 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Mechure, M. and Rojas-Flores, L. (Sept. 2017) Parental immigrant status and Latino citizen children’s academic functioning. Oral presentation presented at the Institute of Violence, Abuse, and Trauma Summit, San Diego, CA.

Rojas-Flores, L. (April 2017). The Plight of Central American Unaccompanied Minors. Presented at Invited SRCD Salon panel on Refugees from the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Asia: Developmental Status and Global and National Policy Implications at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2017 Biennial Meeting. Austin, TX.


Rojas-Flores, L., Hwang Koo, J., Vaughn M, J. (2018). Protecting US-Citizen Children Whose Central American Parents Have Temporary Protected Status: Policy Brief. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation. Advance online publication

Currier, J. M., Rojas-Flores, L., McCormick, W. H., Hwang Koo, J., Cadavid, L., Pineda, F. A., Le Roux, E., and Givens, T. (2018, August 9). Spiritual Struggles and Ministry-Related Quality of Life Among Faith Leaders in Colombia. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. Online First Publication, August 9, 2018.

Rojas-Flores, L., Clements, M., Hwang K., J., and London, J. (2017). Trauma, Psychological Distress and Parental Immigration Status: Latino Citizen-children and the Threat of Deportation. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 9, 352–361.

Rojas-Flores, L. (Oct. 2017). Latino US-Citizen Children of Immigrants: A Generation at High Risk. Summary of Selected Young Scholars Program Research. White paper commissioned by the Foundation for Child Development. New York, NY: Foundation for Child Development.


Faculty and Principal investigator

Lisseth Rojas Flores

Lisseth Rojas-Flores

Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, Department of Doctoral Psychology



Isabella Grivois
Loesin (Lauren) Ng
Jennifer Vaughn
Stephanie Banuelos
Neva Murray
Norma Ramirez
Doribeth Tardillo

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Contact Us

Jim Cummings, MDiv, MA
Research Administrator
[email protected]

Office Hours

8 am–5 pm


Room 326
180 N. Oakland Ave

Pasadena, CA 91182