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Filipino American Ministry Initiative

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Filipino American Ministry Initiative

FAMI builds community, provides mentoring, and develops resources to support Filipino Americans at and beyond Fuller Seminary.

Gabriel Catanus

Message From Director

On behalf of the Filipino American Ministry Initiative (FAMI), I am honored to welcome you! As the first and only Filipino American-focused entity at a US theological institution, we are proud to serve and celebrate the contributions of our churches and ministries. As part of Fuller’s Asian American Center, FAMI builds community, provides mentoring, and develops resources to support Filipino Americans at and beyond Fuller Seminary. FAMI integrates theology and psychology with cultural identity, spirituality, and leadership through endeavors including the Centering podcast, events like our annual Filipino American History Month celebration, and other formational programming. So, whether you are a student or scholar, pastor or lay leader, campus minister or therapist, we invite you to connect and journey with us! - Gabriel J. Catanus

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Annual Filipino American History Month Celebration

Every October, FAMI sponsors Fuller’s celebration of Filipino American History Month (FAHM). Through Fuller Chapel, Fuller is the only school in the country to hold an annual service dedicated to this occasion. In 2022, we also held a Filipino American Pastors Panel and organized a tour of LA’s Historic Filipinotown, guided by award-winning artist Eliseo Art Silva.

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Formation Group

Led by FAMI’s Director of Formation Eleanor Baylon (PsyD candidate), FAMI formation groups provide participants with an opportunity to build supportive and intentional community with other Filipino American Christians over the course of 8–12 weeks. Together, participants grow deeper in spiritual formation, emotional and mental health, and understanding of Filipino American studies and decolonization. After our Fall 2022 cohort, participant Tim Lee shared: “The FAMI cohort was a healing and redemptive space for Filipino Americans in ministry to learn about our culture and history, navigate our journeys, and come alongside to share in each other’s burdens and joys. This has definitely been one of my highlights at Fuller!"

For more information about FAMI formation groups, email [email protected].

Centering, Season 7: Filipino American Life & Ministry

The Asian American Center produces a podcast on Christ, the Christian life, and Asian American perspectives with rotating hosts. The recent season focused on Filipino American Life & Ministry.

Resources on FULLER studio

Filipino American History Month 2022 Chapel Service

Watch and listen to our most recent Filipino American History Month chapel service, featuring several people from our FAMI community!

+ Watch Now

Filipino American Pastors Panel

In celebration of Filipino American History Month 2022, FAMI Director Gabriel Catanus joined pastors Kat Hampson (Highrock Brookline Church), EJ Ravago (New Abbey Church), and Matthew Amargo (San Diego Christian Fellowship) to reflect on their experiences in ministry.

+ Watch Now

Filipino American History Month 2021 Chapel Service

Watch our Filipino American History Month chapel service from 2021. Our FAMI director preached and our director of formation led worship!

+ Watch Now

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Contact Info

Gabriel J. Catanus

Director of Filipino American Ministry Initiative
Affiliate Assistant Professor of Theology and Ethics

[email protected]

Eleanor Baylon

Director of Formation
Filipino American Ministry Initiative

[email protected]

Office Location

460 Ford Place
1st Floor

Pasadena, CA 91101

Mailing Address

135 N. Oakland Ave
Box M

Pasadena, CA 91182