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We believe that artists can be voices in the wilderness of our culture. Our team is passionate about supporting artists’ creative, vocational, and spiritual formation; as well as equipping artists to serve well in both church and culture. Read more below about our cohorts and resources supporting artist community and development.

Seattle Residency Group Pictures 2018

Brehm Residency

The mission of the Brehm Residency is to cultivate relationships between artists and ministry leaders who are mutually dedicated to the artistic renewal of our communities and their churches. The seven-month cohort includes a synchronous online curriculum and a series of online retreats, allowing opportunities for theological education, vocational encouragement, art-making, and deep relationships for artists, church leaders, and entire congregations––and ultimately for the renewal of our communities.

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The Resilient Artist Program

Our Resilient Artist cohort is a 12-month hybrid (online and in-person) experience where artists can develop spiritual formation tools in community. Artists are invited to practice and learn from spiritual directors and one another in order to be formed for resilience in their creative callings in a tumultuous world. Scholarships will be available for our inaugural cohort, launching in spring of 2022. To receive more information as available, email [email protected].

Brehm Residency Group

Well-Formed Worship Leader

The Well-Formed Worship Leader Cohort is designed to address eight core areas of leadership in the vocation of worship leadership, including themes of spiritual, theological, cultural, and liturgical leadership. In this intimate, 10-week program, you will also examine pressing cultural conversations in worship leadership such as race and technology.

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Are you looking for a specialized arts resource? Through FULLER Formation, the Brehm Center offers a number of online resources engaging specific art forms, such as faith and film, music and worship, the arts in spiritual formation, and more. If you aren’t near one of our Brehm Center locations––or even if you are––access our online worship, theology, and arts resources from anywhere.

artists drawing


This course offers a shift in perspective on the Biblical narrative through the lens of creativity so we may respond to this great story as active participants.

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Theology and Popular Music is inspired by the Brehm Center’s immersion course to South by Southwest (SXSW), the annual music and arts festival in Austin, Texas.

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What do you do when you’re filled with emotions that are difficult to name? For centuries, Christians have gone to the Psalms to give voice to their deepest sorrow, anger, and joy.

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Brehm Film

Brehm Film encourages theological dialogue between people who love movies, people who make movies, and the cinematic stories shaping our lives.

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Brehm Visual Arts

The Brehm Visual Arts initiative supports Christian engagement with the visual arts, exploring their formative and theological importance in respect to persons, worshipping communities, and the society at large. Through resources, programs, and mentorship opportunities, Brehm Visual Arts follows the way faith can inform visual art and visual art can shape faith.

Contact Us

Visit the Pasadena Office

460 Ford Place, Pasadena, CA, 91101


Tues 9:00am - 12:00pm
Wed 9:00am - 12:00pm

Please email [email protected] to make an appointment outside these set office hours.