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Charles E. Van Engen

Arthur F. Glasser Professor Emeritus of Biblical Theology of Mission and Senior Professor of Biblical Theology of Mission

BA, Hope College
MDiv, Fuller Theological Seminary
Doctorandus, Free University of Amsterdam
PhD, Free University of Amsterdam

Courses Taught

MC502: Becoming a Missional Church

MT500: Biblical Theology of Mission

MT501: Doing Theology in Global Contexts

MT520: Biblical Foundations of Mission

MT523: The Holy Spirit and Mission in Luke-Acts

MT537: Theologizing in Mission

MT589/889: Thinking Theological

Campus Affiliations

Center for Missiological ResearchHispanic Center (Centro Latino)

Areas of Expertise

Missiology, Bible-and-mission, theology of mission, theology of church growth, contextual theology, missiological hermeneutics, systematic theology, Latin American studies


Chuck Van Engen is the Arthur F. Glasser Professor of Biblical Theology of Mission and has taught in the School of Intercultural Studies since 1988. Before coming to Fuller he was a missionary in Mexico, working primarily in theological education. Van Engen also taught missiology at Western Theological Seminary in Michigan and served as president of the General Synod of the Reformed Church in America from 1998 to 1999. He is the founding president and CEO of Latin American Christian Ministries, Inc.

A prolific author, Van Engen has published many books, chapters in books, and papers. His wide-ranging publications include Paradigm Shifts in Christian Witness (2008, coedited with Darrell Whiteman and J. Dudley Woodberry); Evangelical, Ecumenical and Anabaptist Missiologies in Conversation (2006, coedited with James R. Krabill and Walter Sawatsky); Evaluating the Church Growth Movement: 5 Views (2004, coauthored with Elmer Towns, Craig Van Gelder, Engen, Gailyn Van Rheenen, and Howard Snyder); Pueblo Misionero de Dios (2004); Communicating God’s Word in a Complex World (2003, coauthored with Daniel Shaw); Fullness of Life for All (2003, coedited with Inus Daneel and Hendrik Vroom); Announcing the Kingdom: The Story of God’s Mission in the Bible (2003, coauthored with Arthur Glasser, Dean Gilliland, and Shawn Redford); Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions (2000, coedited with Scott Moreau and Harold Netland); Footprints of God: A Narrative Theology of Mission (1999, coedited with Nancy Thomas and Robert Gallagher); Mission-on-the-Way: Issues in Mission Theology (1996), Missiological Education for the 21st Century: the Book, the Circle and the Sandals (1996, coedited with Dudley Woodberry and Eddie Elliston); It’s Time to Celebrate! Experiencing God’s Transforming Presence in Banquets of Praise (1994); God So Loves the City (1994, coedited with Jude Tiersma Watson), The Good News of the Kingdom: Mission Theology for the Third Millennium (1993, coedited with Dean Gilliland and Paul Pierson), You Are My Witnesses: Drawing from Your Spiritual Journey to Evangelize Your Neighbors (1992); and God’s Missionary People (1991).

Van Engen is involved in the American Society of Missiology, Association of Professors of Mission, the International Association of Mission Studies, the Evangelical Missiological Society, the Academy of Evangelism in Theological Education, and the Latin American Theological Fraternity.

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