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Fuller Chapel

Fuller Chapel

Chapel services at Fuller gather students, faculty, alumni, and staff—both residential and online—from various ethnicities, nationalities, languages, cultures, socioeconomic statuses, and theological and liturgical convictions.

Read more about the vision behind Fuller's chapel services on Fuller Studio.


Join us for a special service on Wednesday, May 29th at 10am PT in-person in Travis Auditorium or online on Zoom or YouTube Live. This last chapel service of the academic year will be a jazz and pop music service where we consider the powerful experiences of falling in love and heartbreak and how God might be present in these experiences. Aretha Scruggs will sing jazz standards and popular hits with a jazz trio. The chapel team will lead in prayer. We hope you will join us.

Previous Weeks in Chapel

1 John 2
Steven Argue
May 15, 2024

Chapel Team
Re-Parenting God
May 22, 2024

Worship Service
Chapel Team
May 8, 2024

FULLER sermons

This podcast features spiritual reflections on topics at the heart of Fuller’s mission from professors, students, and other preachers throughout our extended community. Included are sermons from the weekly All-Seminary Chapel as well as elect talks from other events.

fuller sermons logo

Upcoming Chapel Schedule

May 29

Love & Heartbreak

Chapel Team

June 8


David Emmanuel Goatley

Sept 25

Festival of Beginnings

Dan Meyer

Contact Us

Contact Info

Julie Tai

Director of Chapel
[email protected]


Kreyssler Hall
130 N. Oakland Ave
Pasadena, CA 91101