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Steven Argue

Associate Professor of Youth, Family, and Culture

BBA, University of Wisconsin, Madison
MDiv, Trinity International University
PhD, Michigan State University

Courses Taught

YF502: Leading Change through Youth Ministry Contexts

YF522: Emerging Adult Spirituality and Ministry

IS500: Practices of Vocational Formation

Leader of DMin in Youth, Family, and Culture cohort

Campus Affiliations

Areas of Expertise

Emerging adult formation and advocacy, youth ministry, young adult ministry, adolescents, teaching and learning, leadership development, adolescent culture, family ministry, faith formation, spiritual development, spiritual struggle, parenting, qualitative research, Sticky Faith, undergraduates


Current Research

Youth ministry, practices, and innovation; emerging adults and congregations

“I feel a deep commitment to giving voice to and hearing the stories of adolescents and emerging adults. I want their stories to be heard and told to promote understanding across relational and generational lines. If their voices are heard, they can be prophetic voices to the church.”


Steven Argue reflects on the importance of engaging young people by first listening to them. Watch more.


Steven Argue is associate professor of youth, family, and culture at Fuller Theological Seminary and the applied research strategist at the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI). He has worked in multiple ministry contexts as a youth pastor, parachurch leader, pastoral team leader at Mars Hill Bible Church (Grand Rapids, MI), and has served on the board for the Association of Youth Ministry Educators. He researches, speaks, consults, and writes regularly on topics surrounding adolescence, emerging adulthood, faith, and spiritual struggle.

Dr. Argue is the co-lead investigator for a four-year, $1.25 million grant from Lilly Endowment focused on understanding young adults and congregations. Discipleship Initiatives with Young Adults (DIYA) is focusing on the key transitions emerging adults experience in their third decade of life, how these impact their spiritual quests, and what religious institutions can do to support them.

Argue has authored Young Adult Ministry Now (2022) and coauthored three other books: Sticky Faith Innovation: How Your Compassion, Creativity, and Courage Can Support Teenagers’ Lasting Faith (2021); Growing With: Every Parent’s Guide to Helping Teenagers and Young Adults Thrive in Their Faith, Family, and Future (2019); and 18 Plus: Parenting Your Emerging Adults (2018). He is a contributor to The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Contemporary Christianity in the United States (2022), Joy: A Guide for Youth Ministry (2020), and Adoptive Youth Ministry: Integrating Emerging Generations into the Family of Faith (2016). Argue lives in Southern California, eats vegetarian, and runs marathons. He’s @stevenargue on social media platforms.

Download Dr. Argue’s CV.